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3D Rendering & Force Simulator

Rendering · December 2018 · 1 min read

3D Force simulator using only Processing's point() and line functions. Uses Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) to render lines between two points, Scan Line to render polygons, normal calculation to determine faces to render in 3D space and Newtonian physics. Written in Java.

3D Rendering & Force Simulator

3D Force simulator using only Processing's point() and line() functions. Uses Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) to render lines between two points, Scan Line to render polygons, normal calculation to determine faces to render in 3D space and Newtonian physics. Written in Java.

One of the project's scenes, where the cube is affected by gravity and the ground is not.

The program interface allows for real-time selection, positioning, rotation, scaling and acceleration of objects. In a previous version it also supported selecting between Cavalier, Cabinet, Isometric, Perspective-Z and Perspective-XZ projections.


  • Clone this repository
  • Install Processing
  • Open this project with Processing IDE or execute processing-java --sketch=Simulator --force --run in a CLI.

This program was developed as the final project for the 2018/2 Computer Graphics (INF0037) class of Computer Science at Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG, Brazil).